The relationship map generator has undergone some reworking, and is now more efficient than ever. Because of this we have changed the maps from only generating once a day to generating every other hour, like the stats pages. However the maps generate on every odd hour and the stats pages on every even hour. The maps now will track more people than before, up to 60 (anymore than 60 and you end up looking at an incomprehensible set of dots and lines). If you have more than 60 people, the 60 people with the strongest ties are used.
Earlier this week bots 55-59 were officially added to keep up with the channel count (which just tanked because of SwiftIRC’s network move).
Because of SwiftIRC’s IRCd updates, you are no longer automatically blacklisted for linking the bot to other channels. As long as the channel you are linking to has an invex set for the channel linking to it, it should work fine.