We’ve decided to expand ChanStat a little bit and venture in to the realm of user statistics. There are many more features we plan to develop in this area; this is just the first step. The command output goes like this:
<+ChanStat> (UserStats): (Matt-) Lines: 234, Words: 838 Letters: 3,991. Most active at 12:00 AM EST. Ranked 707 out of 1741 users with 9 lines today. Quote: If you were on the nick “example” for a little while
It shows:
- The total amount of lines, words, letters
- When you’re most active,
- Daily activity rank on the network
- A random quote.
Like our channel statistics pages, 14 days of data is shown (except for the daily activity). The command can be typed with either [.!@]ustats nick or [.!@]userstats nick. If you want to show your own ustats, simply type [.!@]ustats.
The introduction of ustats raised the issue of privacy. Sometimes people do not want their stats open to the public. So to solve that issue, we’ve made the [.!@]set command. It includes the features:
[.!]set privacy on|off
[.!]set timezone timezone (eg. !set timezone EST)
[.!]set color mIRC color code] (eg. !set color 12)
[.!]set log MODES|ENABLE|DISABLE|ANYONE] (eg. !set log @)
We’ve also added the ability to type [.!@]cstats along with [.!@]chanstats to send the link to a stats page, and [.!@]topusers to show the Top 10 Most Active users on the network.
To see a list of all our commands and how to use them, go to http://chanstat.net/about.
All of these features have come by the request of you guys, so keep the ideas coming!
If you have any questions join #chanstat on SwiftIRC (irc.swiftirc.net) or the network you’re on.